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10% Co-Host Fee


Successfully operating your Lake Cumberland vacation rental takes expertise and time. We have that.

Our Fee Structure

We charge 10% of your bookings and we give you everything below.


Listing Optimization

The right pictures and the perfect story are vital to a successful short-term rental listing. We are wordsmiths.


Dynamic Rate Setting

Prices fluctuate through the season. It is important to be a competitive solution for your potential guests.

Guest Communication

Text can be impersonal, so it is important to use warm words when communicating with the customers.


Screening Guests

It is important that you are comfortable with who is staying in your investment. We have this down to a science.

Multi-Calendar Coordination

We will manage your AirBnB profile to make sure your options are covered. 

Digital House Manual

Your house manual will be digital and scannable via a QR Code placed by your door. It will be custom to your home.

Cleaning Coordination

We will ensure your preferred cleaning partner knows what day your guests are checking out and your new guests are checking in.

Review Response

People not only read reviews, but they also read owner responses. Whether a good time or bad time was had, we know how to make your guest feel heard with every word.


Maintenance Coordination

If something goes awry and maintenance is needed, we will notify your preferred maintenance partner that service is needed.

We are ready when you are!